Emergency Care

When there’s a dental emergency, you can turn to your trusted dentist for help.

A dental emergency can strike at any time. It’s important to have a plan when life takes an unexpected turn. Dr. Stryker and his team are here to help you navigate a painful and potentially scary situation.

Emergency Care

When there’s a dental emergency, you can turn to your trusted dentist for help.

A dental emergency can strike at any time. It’s important to have a plan when life takes an unexpected turn. Dr. Stryker and his team are here to help you navigate a painful and potentially scary situation.

What to do in a Dental Emergency

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, it is important to stay calm. Assess the situation as best you can, and act accordingly.

Here are some common dental emergencies and how to handle them:

  • Tooth knocked out: First, locate the tooth. If it is dirty, rinse the root in water only, NO SOAP, being very careful not scrub it or remove any attached tissue you see. Then, gently place the tooth back into its socket if you can. When handling the tooth, be sure to hold it by the top using a clean cloth, gauze, or a tissue. If you can’t reinsert the tooth, place it in a small container of milk to preserve it. Call us right away to schedule an emergency appointment. We will determine if the tooth is still viable and can be replaced or whether you need to consider another option.
  • Toothache or severe jaw pain: Never ignore pain in your mouth! Call us as soon as you feel any pain or discomfort. Pain could be a sign of an abscess caused by an infection inside your tooth. If left untreated, an infection could spread into other areas of your mouth or into your bloodstream, and then other parts of your body. It is extremely important to see Dr. Stryker as soon as possible so he can determine the cause of the pain and the appropriate treatment to relieve it and fix the problem.
  • Trauma to your mouth: If you think your jaw is broken or there is excessive bleeding, go directly to the emergency room. If you are in pain, but your jaw is not broken, you can use a cold compress or ice to help reduce any swelling. Contact our office so we can help you determine if you need immediate emergency care. If the trauma has knocked out one or several teeth, do your best to locate the teeth that have been knocked out, clean them, and preserve them until Dr. Stryker can see you in the office.
  • Broken, chipped, or cracked tooth: First, rinse your mouth with warm water. You can also apply a cold compress to your face to help with any swelling. If part of your tooth has broken off, wrap the fragment in clean wet gauze, a cloth, or a tissue. Then, contact our office as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to be seen. Be sure to bring the tooth fragment with you to the office so that Dr. Stryker can reattach it.


If your mouth is seriously injured in an accident, you are in severe pain, or there is excessive bleeding that does not stop with applied pressure, seek emergency treatment right away.

If you are unsure whether you need immediate emergency care or not, call us. We can help you determine the best course of action.