Are Bleeding Gums A Problem?

What does it mean if you see hints of pink or red after rinsing your mouth? This is a sign you may be experiencing bleeding gums. Bleeding gums can be caused by something as simple as food that has become trapped between the teeth and caused slight damage to the gums, or perhaps you ate something and it accidentally cut open your gums. However, if you notice your gums are bleeding regularly, you may be experiencing a problem with your oral health that needs attention from us. Some causes of bleeding gums include:

How To Keep Your Gums Healthy And Prevent Gum Disease

Caring for your gums is just as important as caring for your teeth. Did you know that approximately half of American adults suffer from gum disease? When you visit our office for routine hygiene examinations, we do more than just thoroughly clean your teeth and look for signs of decay. We also check your gums for gum disease or an indication that you could potentially suffer from this condition in the future. Luckily, it is possible to prevent gum disease. Read on to learn about the importance of caring for your gums.

What Causes Your Teeth To Become Sensitive?

Do you find yourself avoiding cold foods like ice cream because they make you cringe? Or do your teeth bother you if you are eating cold and hot foods at the same time? If you find yourself avoiding foods at extreme temperatures because they cause discomfort, you may be experiencing tooth sensitivity. It is not uncommon to experience tooth sensitivity from time to time; however, if your tooth sensitivity issues are recurring regularly, your mouth may be telling you there is a problem with your oral health. Read on to learn more about tooth sensitivity and the problems you may have with your oral health.

The Importance Of Preventative Dentistry

At Lincoln Crossings Dental Care, we want to help prevent dental issues from happening. We are only born with one set of adult teeth, and when those are not functioning properly, it is up to our team to help restore your oral health. This is why we are so passionate about preventative dentistry. When you care for your teeth properly, you have a better chance of having your natural teeth for your lifetime. Preventative dentistry focuses on keeping your teeth and mouth free from decay and disease. When you practice good preventative care, we are able to detect any problems in your mouth and treat them in the early stages. This benefits your oral and overall health.

Enjoy A Relaxing Dental Experience With Sedation Dentistry

Do you experience dental nerves and anxiety, and is it keeping you from visiting our office for routine examinations or a needed treatment? Experiencing dental nerves and anxiety is more common than you may realize. Millions of Americans have some form of dental anxiety, which keeps them from receiving the care and treatment needed for optimum oral health. Unfortunately, when you continue to avoid routine examinations and treatments, it can lead to a never-ending cycle of dental problems, emergencies and lengthy treatments, which will only make the nervous feelings worse. Thankfully, we offer a solution to help patients get the dental care they need while being in a relaxed state — dental sedation.

Please Don’t Delay!

Did we recommend a dental treatment for you or someone in your family during your last oral hygiene examination, but you have yet to schedule the appointment? We know that life is busy during this time of year, with activities, sports, and general day-to-day happenings, but we encourage you to schedule your appointment as soon as possible. Even if you aren’t in need of treatment at this time, it is important to know that delaying a necessary treatment can seriously impact the state of your oral health. You may experience a dental emergency, and the treatment plan may change if the damage progresses. We would hate for your spring and summer plans to be impacted by oral health issues. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of not delaying a treatment we recommend.