The Shocking Truth About Dental Insurance

At Lincoln Crossings Dental Care, we do all we can to help our patients get the care they need to restore and improve their oral health. Unfortunately, there is something that often makes it difficult for our team and the patient: dental insurance. Dental insurance is a form of health insurance that an individual pays for either through their job or through a personal plan. The thought process is that dental insurance is designed to help pay for and cover the cost of preventative care and restorative treatments. Over the years, dental insurance has become equally frustrating for dental offices and patients. In a patient’s mind, the idea of dental insurance is to get them the dental care they need; unfortunately, it doesn’t usually end up working that way. Dr. Stryker recently shared more information about dental insurance and its frustrations in a video. We encourage you to watch the video and continue reading for more information.

What Causes Your Teeth To Become Sensitive?

Do you find yourself avoiding cold foods like ice cream because they make you cringe? Or do your teeth bother you if you are eating cold and hot foods at the same time? If you find yourself avoiding foods at extreme temperatures because they cause discomfort, you may be experiencing tooth sensitivity. It is not uncommon to experience tooth sensitivity from time to time; however, if your tooth sensitivity issues are recurring regularly, your mouth may be telling you there is a problem with your oral health. Read on to learn more about tooth sensitivity and the problems you may have with your oral health.

Benefits Of Receiving Orthodontic Care As An Adult

Do you often think about improving the appearance of your teeth? At Lincoln Crossings Dental Care, we provide a variety of treatments that can make any change you would like to see in your smile. We can even help improve the alignment of your teeth with orthodontic treatment. We are happy to provide patients with the option of clear aligner therapy. If you are thinking that orthodontic treatment is only for children and teenagers, you couldn’t be more incorrect. Orthodontic treatment can benefit patients of all ages, including adults.

Am I A Candidate For Dental Implants?

At Lincoln Crossings Dental Care, we are able to help our patients through the entire dental implant process. Dental implants are needed when the entire tooth structure, including the root, is severely damaged or has been removed. Even if you don’t need a tooth replacement at this time, we believe that it is always better to be informed and prepared should the need arise suddenly. We offer a number of dental implant options based on your needs. Thanks to advancements in treatment and technology, more patients than ever before are eligible to receive dental implants.

How A Root Canal Can Save Your Tooth

At Lincoln Crossings Dental Care, we are passionate about saving our patients’ teeth. One way we do this is with a root canal. Patients often become a bit nervous when they learn they need this treatment. Unfortunately, many movies and television shows have given this treatment a bad reputation. We want to take a few moments to explain more about this treatment and why it can be the difference between saving or extracting your tooth.