Are Bleeding Gums A Problem?

What does it mean if you see hints of pink or red after rinsing your mouth? This is a sign you may be experiencing bleeding gums. Bleeding gums can be caused by something as simple as food that has become trapped between the teeth and caused slight damage to the gums, or perhaps you ate something and it accidentally cut open your gums. However, if you notice your gums are bleeding regularly, you may be experiencing a problem with your oral health that needs attention from us. Some causes of bleeding gums include:

How To Keep Your Gums Healthy And Prevent Gum Disease

Caring for your gums is just as important as caring for your teeth. Did you know that approximately half of American adults suffer from gum disease? When you visit our office for routine hygiene examinations, we do more than just thoroughly clean your teeth and look for signs of decay. We also check your gums for gum disease or an indication that you could potentially suffer from this condition in the future. Luckily, it is possible to prevent gum disease. Read on to learn about the importance of caring for your gums.

Are You Suffering From This Common Disease?

When patients visit our office for a routine examination, one of their biggest concerns is whether they have tooth decay. There is another serious issue we look for besides tooth decay when we inspect your teeth: periodontal disease. Also known as gum disease, periodontal disease occurs when the gums become irritated and infected. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to severe complications with your oral health, such as tooth loss. It can also lead to serious issues with your overall health, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and can lead to pregnancy complications.